Friday, June 12, 2009

Weekly Meal Plan

It's that time of the week again....

The flyers have landed and I'm putting together this week's meal plan. Since this is often my favourite part of the week, I knew I would share it here.

First things first, let's see what I can find on sale. Here is where I'll confess to being a bit of a grocery store snob. I've tried to shop other stores (Zehrs is usually our pick, which is about as posh as you get in this small town - no Whole Foods or Fortino's to be found). I've done the Food Basics or the Foodland. It's just not the same. The meat was atrocious (note: I am determined to find a great local butcher by summer's end) and I couldn't find half of what I wanted. Although, I will say that the ethnic food section at our Food Basics kicks Zehrs' ass. It was great.

So, the first flyer I check is Zehrs... lemme see.

Whole chickens on sale. Score. Perfect for my Sunday meal of chicken, lemon, potatoes and asparagus.

Ooh. Which reminds me. Gotta check the freezer and see what I can use in there.

Woo hoo. Jackpot. Pork loin (on sale last week) and boneless chicken breasts (again, on sale last week). There is also a steak in there... pick up another and I can do something with that.

I already know that on Tuesday we'll do homemade pizza. It's Mina's soccer night and that always means frantic dinners. Homemade pizza and a big, green salad gives Mina a really great dinner that's not too heavy before soccer. Add in Jim being on afternoons next week and it's just me and the girls. Losing the pickiest eater of the bunch opens up far more opportunties for nummy suppers.

Sunday = roasted chicken previously discussed.

And I have pork loin, chicken breasts and steak. Sausages are on sale too. Chicken wings too.

Hmm. How's this?

Saturday: Grilled sausages with coleslaw and green salad. Easy for a Saturday night.

Sunday: Roasted chicken with potatoes, lemon and asparagus.

Monday: Pork tenderloin with sauteed apples and leeks

Tuesday: Homemade pizza, green salad

Wednesday: Chicken fajitas (a favourite of Mina's) with a rice pilaf with peas and carrots

Thursday: Grilled steak with compound butter served with roasted potatoes, mushrooms and veggies

Friday: Spicy Citrus Caramel Chicken Wings with Spinach salad

Now, all I can do is hope that both girls get over whatever this bug they've picked up. Mina has been pukey all night, Lucy has explosive diarrhea (sorry.. ). I'm sticking to recipes I know Mina really likes in hopes that it will entice her to feel better about living on bananas, rice, applesauce and toast for the next day or so.

Tomorrow is the day we're hoping to hit a local supplier for asparagus. Unless the girls are still sick. Then we'll have to postpone.

1 comment:

  1. I always love reading your meal plans, they sound so yummy!
