Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gonna make our pee smell funny!

It's asparagus season! With that in mind, I've decided my first "local eating" challenge is going to be to find some lovely local asparagus. Probably the easiest ingredient to find as I already know the place to find it. Red Barn Berries - right outside of Woodstock, not a far drive and a great place to find some local produce. And I know they have asparagus. Easy peasy.

With asparagus, I'm usually the only one in the house with the funny smelling pee. Jim and Mina haven't been keen on my regular standby of roasting the asparagus on the 'que - they aren't fans. As this is Lucy's first asparagus season we'll see what she thinks of the scrumptious stalks. I think I have two options for my asparagus this Sunday: wrap it in bacon, because everything is better with bacon; or find a great main recipe that I know Jim and Mina will both love.

Of course, if I wrap the asparagus in bacon, chances are I will have them both tearing off the pork prize and leaving the green behind. I think I'm going to have to try this (thanks to Martha - clicky the picture):
Perfect! Meal planning at it's easiest. I already have Sunday dinner accounted for. I'll report back with pictures of our asparagus hunt and the subsequent dinner with the recipe.

Speaking of dinner: tonight is homemade pizza. It's easy and I'm tired. Plus, Mina really likes telling me exactly how to place the pepperoni. Lucy just really likes to eat it. Not even 18 months and the kid loves pizza. Totally Jim's kid.

To make the easiest homemade pizza, see if your local grocery store has fresh dough on sale in the bakery. Ours does and it's the single biggest timesaver for us - just roll and plop toppings on. A basic dough like this has saved me many a night when dinner needs to be rushed.

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