Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I am but a cliche...

In an effort to actually write something of interest to myself (although, perhaps not to others), I've succumbed to the world of the blog. Yeah. I know. Welcome to 2002.

The thing is, I'm pretty sure that all my friends are sick of my random Facebook notes of nothingness and my almost-daily publishing of food photos. What can I say? I'm a glutton. For attention if nothing else. Making the blog ideal for my need for gratification.

My problem with the world of the blog is this: I kind of feel like a cliche. It's not like the "food blog" hasn't been done. Someone far more clever than I, with more inherent foodie talent, posting up daily tidbits being all witty and cute. That's me on a really good day. Emphasis on the really.

On the not so good days, I'm the harried, frantic Mom trying to get a halfway healthy dinner shoved into my kid's faces without worrying about taking 20 minutes to snap the perfect foodie photo. I think I adopted the "everything in moderation" mantra solely because it helps assuage some of the Mom-Guilt.

So, okay. I'm best motivated by goals - this is my chance to set myself a few to start with.

My first goal is to start looking for local food. In the spirit of the whole "300 mile" bit, I think I should be exposing the girls (not to mention Jim) to local suppliers. Before Mina starts believing that asparagus is grown on a grocery store shelf and photosynthesis happens with fluorescent lighting and not sunlight.
Starting Saturday, I want to find ONE local place to get food - honey, maple syrup, produce, whatever. And I'm vowing to use what I buy in Sunday dinner. Or a dessert. Wish me luck.

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